Our Services

Our Services

Advertise free with us and take profit while not using!

Your property is precious, we take care of your space in your absence, like ours, throughout the process of vacation rentals.

All of this, Intercasas Brazil offers to you!

Optimized visibility in national and international markets

Your home among the most wanted to spend the holidays!

Advertising your property with Intercasas Brasil, it will be automatically published on the site Intercasas Brasil and in all major global holyday rental portals.

We also manage your existing listings.

We contribute to performance improvement of your property listings through differentiated photographs and kinder texts and in several languages.

Our goal is to position your property within the most searched in the portals; through good guest ratings and thanks to our unique “Revenue management”program of market analysis and price optimization.

Responsive communication with future guests

The answer to all reservation requests and questions from guests in various dissemination channels are provided in real time with agility by our team and preventing you of this bureaucracy.

The response time improves the rate of effective bookings conversion.

We strengthened our relationship with guests thanks to our multilingual expertise, thereby increasing reliability and customer satisfaction.

Quality management

All properties are inspected, evaluated and selected according to criteria before being proposed in the national and international market for holyday rental.

We produce different pictures of your space for dissemination via our website and most of world’s largest rental portals.

We guide owners on improvements, making their holyday rental properties more attractive.

Guest proximity management

Upon arrival, we personally welcome guests to hand over the keys.

At check out, we conducted an inpection and collect the feedbacks.

We offer service with ample flexibility schedule.

Through knowledge of the region, we are available to guests during their stay to assist with tips, suggestions or offer personalized services.

We have a network of partners with transfer services, car rental, tours, courses, massage, kitchen …

Through close relationship, we ensure customer satisfaction, aiming at future new reservations

Customer loyalty is the success key of our business!

Profitability and financial return

Due to the work of multi-channels prospecting throughout the year, we focus on the performance of your property occupancy rate, well beyond the periods of high demand (summer, New Year’s Eve, Carnival).

Dedicated to holyday rental service, response to guests is faster, increasing the chance of coverting a prospect into effective reservation.

We generate profitability offsetting the cost of management and raising the potential income of your property.

We do not charge fixed compensation of property management.

Transparency of information and payments

The owners can follow in our extranet all reservations, automatically synchronized in real time through the calendar.

Thanks to personal access login, they have the facility to communicate any new private booking or closed period for personal use, in advance and quickly, avoiding any risk of “overbooking” or setback.

We present a consolidated report of the rentals, based on bookeded periods, commission fee and daily rates agreed with owners.

The commission is charged at time of check in and full payment is transferred to the owner within 5 business days.

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